Welcome. This is Sonny Holmes. I am the Lead Pastor of Northwood Baptist Church, North Charleston, South Carolina. Light years ago, in a galaxy far away, I graduated from The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina (BS 1971), and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (MDiv, 1982; DMin, 1990). In the process God gave me the privilege of pastoring four wonderful congregations and serving on the staff of the South Carolina Baptist Convention for three years. Of course my passions start with Harriet, my life partner for 35 years, daughter Elizabeth Carpenter and Scott, grandson John Lewis Carpenter (4 years old) and granddaughter Laura Elizabeth Carpenter (six months old). Our son Brian Eliot Holmes was murdered on July 18, 2011, at age 33. He is survived by Katie, our daughter in law. Yes, I love to read about history, church leadership issues, congregational health, and practical theology, and am committed to ministry that reaches younger generations. Innovation and creativity in ministry are core values and personal strengths. This blog is my personal vent.
Being cool or being anyone else are not life aspirations. Geezerhood is fine with me. Also, I don’t dream that our church would be like any other. So, we won’t spend a lot of time mimicking other church models. Well, uh, with the exception of The Church that Jesus is Buillding, the church in the heart of Jesus, revealed in the Gospels and fleshed out in the Book of Acts.
So, what’s the deal about this blog? In short, the discipline of posting every day keeps my gears meshing, my vocabulary growing, my thoughts in focus. You never know, someone else may get a thought or two from it also. That would be a blessing!