People often make comments about church that diminish God and makes little of His word! So, when something unique or special happens in a weekly worship service someone usually says "God showed up today..." or "Jesus was there" or some other declaration to explain this unusual twist. Well, this kind of thinking really astounds my simple ideas about God and leaves me wondering what kind of Biblical teaching leads us to these kinds of conclusions.
Each day I am comforted by the promise of His presence. This may be the most enduring of all our Father's promises, that He will be with us forever. Even more, Jesus told his disciples that when two or three of them gathered in his name he would be there with them in a special way. So, when we assemble, the thing is not about Him showing up in or attending our worship. No, the worship happens when we join Him in there.
This isn't some insipient humanism or ego-centrism focusing the heart of worship on a human equation. Truly, God is the heart of worship---the object of our worship, the cause which enables to to go there, the inspiration which guides us from self-absorption to submission. However, if He is always with us, and with us in a special way when even two or three of us come together in his name, can't the hinge of worship actually be the heart that we bring to the enterprise, our authenticity as we stand before Him? The cutting issue in Christian worship is not whether or not He is there. That, He is. The difference is whether we are there or not.
Being there in spirit and truth is one of the modifiers of Christian worship. Most of the time, if we are simply going through the motions of church attendance and worship, we are there under false pretenses and violate the spirit of worship, and certainly the truth. Underneath our Sunday go to meeting best the motives of our worship and reason for our worship and Bible study are the gauge of genuine authenticity. A broken spirit and contrite heart are the perquisites of genuineness, that which meets God in the worship experience. It is truly improper to blame God for not showing up in that which brings Him great pleasure, the worship and adoration of His people. In fact, He abides in this praise. Not the empty motions of meaningless, contrived pretense. But, the reality of worship in spirit and truth.
Last week we prayed Isaiah 64 as our prayer for Solemn Assemby. It is a plea for God to come down in a special way, for God to perform awesome, unexpected things in His people. It is also, above that, the admission of guilt among sinful people who have turned away from Him. In such an unrepentant condition we cannot meet Him in authentic worship. So, there must be confession, repentance, and turning for true renewal to bring us back into right relationship with Him. In the afterglow of our Solemn Assembly, this is what I am praying this week, for Northwood Baptist Church, for the 2,103 congregations in our state convention, and our denomination worldwide.
Give glory to His name. Maybe this is why Jesus wanted us all to be like children, to possess the simple faith and genuine trust of a child approaching him in worship. It's not so complicated after all. it is the child-like heart of a child that has this capacity. Pray for that kind heart this week.