Getting along with other people isn't rocket surgery. But, it isn't automatic either. We have crash buttons installed in us at the factory that activate all kind of self preservation systems when they're pressed. Humans also have advanced skills for pressing the right buttons in others too. Voila! There is plenty of human conflict, even in people of faith who ought to know better.
So, we can master the material of folks like Peace Maker Ministries. I am indebted to them for their very fine compilation of biblical guidance in conflict resolution. It is the best material I have found on the topic.
Even with that said, there's another approach that shouldn't be so alien to believers. It's the simple instructions of Scripture about how we should treat people in the first place. Well, yes, love is at the top of this treatment pyramid. It is our most effective witness to the outside world (John 13:350, verification of authentic faith (1 John 4:8, et. al.), and the lens through which we should see other people (1 Peter 4:8). Love has a unifying effect on all the other virtues that link us (Colossians 3:14). This Godly affection motivates us to right action and teaches us to live beyond mere words and good intentions (1 John 3:18). It is the second of the greatest commandments and the overriding character of this life. Loving each other is foundational.
Then, there are the "one another" passages Scripture. Jesus, His apostles, and the larger crowd of disciples must have experienced the stresses of human sensitivity. The New Testament is an instruction manual in how to behave as a community of faith. So, the various versions have re-interpreted some of the passages and used new word sets to capture the thoughts, but the "one another" passages are still intact and still inform us of right actions between Christians. For a good listing of them, check out this sight. There's a fine listing here. Thanks to Hearlight for pulling all the texts together in such a fine way.
Yes, children, there is also the Golden Rule. Contrary to popular belief Ben Franklin did not author the Golden Rule in Poor Richard's Almanac. No, this great life-guide was actually spoken by Jesus. It is good because (1) He spoke it, (2) it is easy to remember and understand, (3) even the world is accustomed to it. The HCSB renders it, "Therefore, whatever you want others to do for you, do also the same for them— this is the Law and the Prophets" (Matthew 7:14). "Do unto others what you would have them do to you", the way most of us learned it, will work. There it is in a way that little ones can grasp. How to treat other people in one easy lesson.
The world is complicated, our toys today are high tech, and velocity defines the times in a way never experienced in human history. With all of this, the world has just gotten smaller. Of course, God doesn't change, and neither does His Word, and neither does human nature. So, even in times like these, simple biblical advice still directs us to right living, and living in relationship with other people.
The steps and stratigies are good. But, we don't have to get that complicated. It can be a test at times, bearing other people. But, it is our assignment, and we are expected to do it with the same character He exhibits to us. Read Colossians 3:12-13 if you want a jolt toward treating others fairly.
Like He forgives me! Awesome!