Eastern sky watchers keep a tote board of signs for the end of the age. The replacement ref crisis almost occasioned an apocalypse among rabid football fans. And, a group on the anti-Christ ID team are adding to the lists of possibilities, just in case the times are right. What is more, a few doom-sayers have written the election of 2012 into the parousia watch-list. Woe is me, the sky is falling, again.
Pridefulness elevates our place in world politics, economics, and government. We Americans can hardly stomach the idea that the whole world doesn't rise and fall on what happens here. Yes, history shoves us to the pinnacle of world power, military might, and effective governance. Somewhere in the heady stuff of prominence we named ourselves as God's Chosen people and sense the hand of God on us as on no other nation. This arrogance sees us as aiding Israel rather than God favoring us because they've been our ally in the Middle east. So, the rationale is that the God will call an end to all things if America continues its drift away from God.
Reading Scripture, the election of 2012 isn't mentioned as one of the end of times announcements written in the eastern sky. When the ballots are counted and the new government is announced, God will still reign. His sovereign rule doesn't depend on votes or elections, Congressional shifts, or POTUS appointments. IN fact, careful reading of Romans 13 reminds us mere humans, stated three times, that all rulers and authorities are servants of Jehovah God.
So, what do we do? Well, certainly, we encourage the vote, help our congregations know the difference between trumped up political rhetoric, hot potato issues, and party platforms that either resonate or conflict with biblical values. Those of in the pulpit should don our black robes and speak truth as if we actually have confidence in it. All of the efforts to intimidate Christians and marginalize the voice of faith in the political arena has been successful to some degree. Many pastors are fearful of speaking to the times, especially in the message touches the edges of politics. so, we must help to activate the part of the constituency entrusted to our care. Then, we should be about His Kingdom agenda, until His Kingdom comes.
Through the process, God's people mustn't de-value Him by over-valuing human stuff, like elections. Many of the woe-is-me head shaking crowd act like the American general election of 2012 is a referendum about God. Well, the party platforms do lean in certain directions and our resolve as a moral nation with strong religious beliefs is questionable. The election may surely say something about us. But, not about Him. When it's done He will be where He's always been as creator and ruler of all things. We love and serve Him no matter the government He permits to serve.
"I charge you to keep the commandment without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which God will bring about in His own time. He is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords, the only One who has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light, whom none of mankind has seen or can see, to whom be honor and eternal might. Amen."
1 Timothy 6:13-16